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2012 Convention of the O‘ahu County Democrats
May 5, 2012
Honolulu Stadium, Hospitality Room
Resolution Title: 12-01 Support for Marriage Equality, Rescinding & Replacing OC 2008-3 12-02 Support of Patient Choice and Quality of Life
[RESCINDED by OC 2016-8]12-03 Support of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and
Mathematics) Education12-04 Environmental Review of Public and Private Development
Projects12-05 Support for Expansion of ‘The Bus’ 12-06 Support for Control of Money in Politics 12-07 Mitigation of Hoofed Animals Damage to Farms, Gardens,
and Native Forest, Rescinding and Replacing OC 2011-0712-08 Establish an Objective Evaluation of Sustainable Energy
to Prioritize the Alternative Energy Systems and Technologies
that Will Most Benefit All of the Citizens of O‘ahu
and the State of Hawai‘i12-09 Request an Independent Study of Publicly Owned versus
Privately Owned Utility Comparing use and cost of
Renewable Energy with Smart Grid Distribution12-10 Improving Hawai‘i Workers' Compensation To Prevent Abuses of
Independent Medical Examination, Rescinding and Replacing
OC Resolution 2010-512-11 Consider the Benefits of a Retrun to a Multi-member
Distrct System12-12 Support for Education Through Access To Local Library
Services In Underserved Areas Of The State,
Rescinding and Replacing OC 2010-0612-13 Require Neutrality From State and County Party Chairs
at All Levels, the Governor, and the Congressional Delegation12-14 Encourage People with Disabilities to Register and Vote 12-15 Support for Pell Grants 12-16 Support for the 'Move to Amend' Campaign 12-17 Support for The Building of Modular And Factory
Manufactured Homes in Hawai‘i, Amending OC Resolution 2008-1712-18 Unemployment Insurance to include Medical Insurance 12-19 Promote Healthy Keiki
OC 2012-01 Support for Marriage Equality, Rescinding & Replacing Resolution 2008-3
Whereas, Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Hawai‘i mandates that: "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the state on account of sex"; and
Whereas, The Hawai‘i Supreme Court found that the State "failed to establish or prove that the public interest in the well-being of children and families, or the optimal development of children will be adversely affected by same-sex marriage"; and
Whereas, The worldwide movement for marriage equality largely began through efforts in Hawaii beginning over 20 years ago and continues to spread elsewhere; and
Whereas, The State constitution was subsequently amended and the Legislature then enacted a law restricting marriage to opposite sex couples, effectively denying same-sex couples and their families equal protection under the law; and
Whereas, The State recently enacted legislation granting civil unions to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, but only opposite-sex couples can marry under State law; and
Whereas, Governor Neil Abercrombie has stated that limiting same-sex couples to civil unions does not provide equality in Hawai‘i; and
Whereas, The federal government and many other jurisdictions do not recognize civil unions; and
Whereas, Civil marriage is a civil right that does not impinge on any religion, nor require that any denomination perform a same-sex marriage ceremony if it is inconsistent with their religious beliefs; and
Whereas, The O‘ahu County Committee of the Democratic Party of the State of Hawai‘i has previously affirmed that the State should not interfere with couples who choose to marry and share fully and equally in the rights, responsibilities and commitment of civil marriage, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats rescind Resolution 2008-3, and in its stead resolve the following: be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats find the current state statute defining marriage as solely the union between one man and one woman to be unfair and inconsistent with our fundamental belief that all citizens are entitled to be treated equally under the law; and be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats call upon our Hawai‘i legislators to pass legislation to ensure that all families are treated equally under the law as required by the Constitution of the State of Hawai‘i; including but not limited to, equal access to marriage licenses; and be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats call upon our US Congressional members to support repeal of the "Defense of Marriage Act"; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Hawai‘i Democratic Party, the Governor, members of the Hawai‘i Senate and Hawai‘i House of Representatives, Hawai‘i Democratic members and candidates for the US Congress, and declared Democratic candidates for every Hawai‘i elective office whose jurisdiction includes the City and County of Honolulu, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, Advances in science and technology have created many medical interventions that can prolong the dying process and increase suffering; and
Whereas, Nearly 1.6 million Americans received hospice care in 2010, up from 25,000 in 1982; and
Whereas, Three decades after hospice emerged as the standard of care for terminally ill patients, many physicians find themselves accused of murder, euthanasia and assisting suicide for providing patients with ethically and legally accepted palliative care treatments to control pain and other symptoms; and
Whereas, 25% of physicians recently surveyed said they were formally investigated by their health care institutions, state medical boards or prosecutors for using opiates to manage a dying patient’s pain, prescribing palliative and sedative medications when a patient was removed from mechanical ventilation; or delivering palliative sedation to terminally ill patients with severe, refractory pain; and
Whereas, Although none of the physicians investigated was found at fault, most reported experiencing anger, anxiety, isolation, depression, and difficulty working as a result of the ordeal; and
Whereas, Physicians' fear of criminal and civil liability and professional disciplinary actions can result in the under-treated pain and other symptoms, and cause dying patients to suffer prolonged, agonized deaths against their will; and
Whereas, Hawai‘i has never criminalized the rational, end-of-life decisions of mentally competent, terminally ill Hawai‘i residents; and
Whereas, Hawai‘i has never criminalized compassionate health care provided by Hawai‘i physicians, pursuant to an informed decisions by their dying patients, even when such decisions may be to advance the time of death; and
Whereas, Hawai‘i has long affirmed the right of individuals to make informed decisions regarding their health-care options and provided support for patients at the end of life; and
Whereas, The Democratic Party of Hawai‘i has, through duly-adopted prior platform planks established a long-term history of support for and endorsement of Death With Dignity/Aid In Dying; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats urge the Hawai‘i legislature take all measures to (a) ensure that Hawai‘i residents are not denied appropriate pain and symptom management; (b) protect health-care providers and patient advocates who follow best practice standards in providing end-of-life choice; and (c) affirm the right of dying patients to make informed decisions about their health care, even if such decision may be to advance the time of death; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Hawai‘i and the elected or appointed Democratic Party members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, O‘ahu and the state of Hawai‘i face economic and technological challenges such as global climate change, tumultuous global energy markets, and accelerating technological change; and
Whereas, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills will be necessary to meet these challenges with manageable economic, environmental, and cultural impacts; and
Whereas, The National Science Foundation estimated that 80% of all jobs created in the next decade will require some form of math, science, or engineering skill, so that STEM education is integral to preparing students for a prosperous future; and
Whereas, Providing engaging and rigorous STEM-related education lays the foundation for participation in a technology-dependent workforce, and prepares the citizenry for making the economic, political, and technical decisions required to successfully meet the challenges of the 21st century; and
Whereas, Student participation in activities such as the Hawai‘i State Science and Engineering Fair, Science Olympiad, FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics, and the Botball competitions inspires the students, teaches skills and teamwork, and help prepare students for success in the 21st century economy; now, therefore be it
Resolved, that the O‘ahu County Democrats supports incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics-related activities in the public school curricula; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Mayor and City Council of the City and County of Honolulu, to Democratic members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, Preservation of the environment is essential for the economic security of the present and future citizens of the island of O‘ahu and the State of Hawai‘i; and
Whereas, The natural environment, ecosystem services, and aesthetics of our islands can be irreparably damaged by development projects, endangering Hawai‘i’s economic and cultural future; and
Whereas, The confidence of the citizens in the integrity of regulators, government, and law enforcement requires even-handed enforcement of, and compliance with, laws and regulations; and
Whereas, Both public and private developments have similar potential for environmental impacts; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats oppose government exemptions from environmental protections, regulations, and reviews, including environmental assessments and environmental impact statements; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Mayor and City Council of the City and County of Honolulu, to Democratic members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, and to the heads of the county and state regulatory bodies, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, A healthy, popular, and well integrated mass transit system reduces O‘ahu County's traffic congestion, lessens our carbon emissions, and minimizes our dependence on oil imports; and
Whereas, the current Bus Schedule, which in many cases ends bus runs by 10:00 PM, discourages many citizens from using this service; and
Whereas, An expanded Express Bus schedule would encourage more people to take the bus because the difference between regular schedules and express schedules can be up to two hours travel time; and
Whereas, O‘ahu's low income and rural families have the most need for these expansions; especially in the evening, and
Whereas, O‘ahu County already has a trusted bus system that reaches all off our residents equally; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support full funding and an expansion of the current bus system to include 24-hour service on all bus routes; and be it further
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support an expansion of the current Express Bus schedules to include non-peak hours of operation; and be it further
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support the development of a free bus zone that includes China Town, Downtown Honolulu, and Waikiki; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Honolulu City Council, Mayor, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Planning, and 'The Bus'.
Whereas, The problem with money in politics is not so much the amount that is spent on campaigns as it is who pays for them, what they get in return, and how that affects public policy and spending priorities; and
Whereas, The Supreme Court ruling in "Citizens United" allowing unlimited Corporate donation to political campaigns is having a major impact our government and our elected officials; and
Whereas, The 2010 midterm election campaign was the most expensive in history, with hundreds of millions spent by anonymous, outside groups; and
Whereas, Some of the nation's largest and richest companies, including Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, Koch Industries and AT&T, have joined forces to invest millions of dollars each year to promote the careers of thousands of state legislators and secure passage of legislation that puts corporate interests ahead of the interests of ordinary Americans; and
Whereas, The DISCLOSE (Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections) Act would be an important step on behalf of transparency in politics because it would ensure that voters understand who is paying for the ads they see and hear; and
Whereas, The influence of anonymous, unlimited campaign contributions makes it probable that more environmentally damaging projects will be approved and environmental protections will be weakened; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which will overturn the US Supreme Court ruling of Citizen's United, which gives corporations the same rights of speech as an individual citizen; and be it further
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support a citizen-funded fair elections system, wherein qualifying candidates, able to provide evidence of support through district signatures, may chose to have their campaigns be publicly funded rather than seek outside funding; and be It further
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support national disclosure legislation, which will require all politically funded advertisements to disclose who paid for those advertisements; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to all representatives, senators, mayors, and the governor of the State of Hawai‘i, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, Hoofed animals are invasive species in Hawai‘i, and invasive species can be controlled only with focused, intense, and sustained effort; and
Whereas, The Environmental Caucus of the Hawai‘i Democratic Party believes elimination of hoofed animals from prime native forest is essential to preserving the native forests of Hawai‘i; and
Whereas, Hunting in Hawai‘i is a complex issue; where many people, both hunters and non-hunters, have different agendas; where hunting is a sport, a method of animal control, a way to put food on the table, and/or a cruel abuse of animals depending on your point of view; and
Whereas, All hoofed animals in Hawai‘i are introduced animals that are recognized by natural resource experts as a significant threat to O'ahu's vital watersheds; and
Whereas, Hunters are an important part of controlling pigs and other hoofed animals in areas where hunters have access; and
Whereas, Hunter organizations working in partnerships with private landowners can help manage hoofed animal populations on private land; and
Whereas, Subsistence hunting should be encouraged on both public and private property; and
Whereas, Public testimony for years has pointed out the damage caused by hoofed animals; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats rescind Resolution 2010-07 and replace it with the following: be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support Gov. Abercrombie's Watershed Initiative, but not at the expense of existing conservation programs; and be it further
Resolved, That the Democratic Party support permanently eliminating hoofed animals from native ecosystems and important watersheds; and be it further
Resolved, That the Democratic Party supports game management programs on both public and private property not composed of prime native ecosystems and important watersheds; and be it further
Resolved, That the Democratic Party supports ahupua'a and moku management where local stake holders and natural resource managers are brought together to identify and resolve local hoofed animal control problems; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to each O‘ahu legislators in the State Legislature and the Honolulu City Council, to the Hawai‘i Governor and the Mayor of the City & County of Honolulu, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, The state of Hawai‘i depends on imported fossil fuels sources to power its commercial, industrial, residential and transportation needs, importing over 50 Million barrels of oil per year at a cost upwards of four Billion dollars per year paid to out-of-state interests, severely impacting the costs of living and doing business in Hawai‘i; and
Whereas, Choosing the most beneficial course for a sustainable energy future for Hawai‘i requires knowing the actual costs and benefits of the various energy systems, including (but not limited to) energy cost and productivity, energy storage, environmental impact, energy security, community ownership of means of production, growth of small business, employment in well-paying jobs, and expansion of Hawai?i exports; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats urge the Hawai‘i State Legislature and Executive branch to create an independent committee to conduct an objective evaluation of sustainable energy to evaluate alternative and sustainable energy production, storage, and transmission systems; and be it further
Resolved, That energy combinations are prioritized to determine which are likely to give the most benefit to each of the counties of Hawai‘i; and be it further
Resolved, That the evaluation committee include impartial persons who are competent to evaluate technical, environmental, economic, and social considerations; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Mayor and City Council of the City and County of Honolulu, to Democratic members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, and to the heads of the county and state regulatory bodies, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, The service provided by the privately-owned power generation and distribution system produces reliable, but expensive power, and is heavily dependent on fossil fuels; and
Whereas, Utilization of Hawai‘i's renewable energy sources would be in the interest of the public; and
Whereas, The public interest may be better served through public ownership of smart grid, and power plants with renewable energy sources; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democratic Party shall request an independent study of a publicly-owned versus privately-owned utilities, comparing use and cost of renewable energy with smart grid distribution; data from this Study to be available to the public and their government officials; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Mayor and City Council of the City
and County of Honolulu, to Democratic members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, and to the heads of the county and state regulatory bodies.
Whereas, The Democratic Party of Hawai‘i has a long tradition for supporting injured workers’ in the State of Hawai‘i; and
Whereas, The Democratic Party of Hawai‘i has continued to fight for injured workers' rights and protection; and
Whereas, The Democratic Party of Hawai‘i has always advocated that insurance companies and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations continue to improve rules, policies and laws concerning Workers' Compensation for the betterment of all of Hawai‘i's injured workers; and
Whereas, Independent Medical Examinations (IME) in Workers' Compensation has become so contentious that insurance companies continue to attack any change to make this policies fair for the injured workers' and insurance companies; and
Whereas, Workers' compensation IMEs are supposed to be fair, impartial, and truly independent;
Whereas, Doctor's have been imported from the mainland to conduct IMEs, and some local Doctors have closed their practices to do IMEs; and
Whereas, At least one doctor has made over a million dollars doing IMEs in one year; and
Whereas, Many doctors who conduct IMEs are not specialist in the field they are performing the examination, and these Doctors cannot be sued for giving a wrong diagnosis; and
Whereas, Injured workers continue to wait for treatment as insurance companies put money ahead of treatment and rehabilitation; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats rescind OC Resolution 2010-5 and urge the State Democratic Party of Hawai‘i to rescind Resolution BUS 2010-11, and replace it with the following: be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats support legislation to require the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations of State of Hawai‘i to protect injured workers from the abuses of Independent Medical Examinations and Examiners who are paid by and accountable only to employers and their insurance carriers in the State of Hawai‘i; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to all Democratic members of the Legislature, the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i, and the Hawai‘i State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, Hawai‘i has long been a state which has celebrated diversity; and
Whereas, Until 1982 Hawai‘i's legislature and people were represented by multimember districts, and: such representation proved an additional tool, providing flexibility during redistricting, balancing population against boundary constraints for accurate reapportionment; and
Whereas, A multimember district provided more access to new candidates, with a wide variety of fresh and innovative viewpoints; and
Whereas, Multi-member districts provide opportunity for constructive party teamwork, combining the experience of the incumbent with the new members fresh viewpoint on the variety of views on issues within a single district, limiting the "winner takes all" effect; and
Whereas, A single member district is seen as providing a dominant advantage to the incumbent, creating an adverse impact on fundraising and other challenges facing a new candidate; and
Whereas, This further empowers the voter by increasing the power of the voter; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Committee of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i discuss and consider supporting a return to multimember district representation; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Counties of Kaua‘i, Maui and Hawai‘i, and to the State Central Committee for discussion, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, An informed citizenry is the foundation of democracy, and new technologies in information services have made that need more critical; and
Whereas, Since as a part of the contribution of the founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin created the first public library, public libraries which are open to all people, regardless of age, gender, race, social condition, and religion, have since that time been a major component for informing the public in all aspects of the information spectrum; and
Whereas, The Hawai‘i State library system is mandated to supply the people of Hawaii with access to informational, educational, recreational, and cultural materials; and
Whereas, The Hawai‘i library system has been heavily impacted by both increased population in underserved areas and the increasingly heavy expenses of updating and supporting current informational technologies; and
Whereas, Continual budgetary constraints over many years, have resulted in a 20% vacancy rate in staffing and the closure of libraries, both permanently and for long periods; and
Whereas, Adequate resources to correct this situation and to supply the people of Hawai‘i with the library and information services necessary to maintain the basic standards of service to which they are entitled, are not available under the present system of funding; and
Whereas, This creates an inequity of service to the people of the state; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats rescind Resolution 2010-06, and replace it with the following: be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Committee of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i request that the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i create a task force composed of public and private, philanthropic, commercial, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations, as needed, with representatives from both geographic and cultural communities to explore what library services are needed in the way of facilities, staffing, materials, and technologies, under served communities will require, and what resources can be developed to meet these needs; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i and the appropriate state pre convention resolution committees.
Whereas, There has been a longstanding tradition in the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i that the State Party Chair and of each County Chairs shall remain neutral in primary election races where there has been more than one Democratic running in the primary race; and
Whereas, The Governor has been described as the titular head of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i; and
Whereas, The Congressional delegation is held in high regard and there are biennial rumors of members of the Congressional delegation preferring one candidate over another in local races; and
Whereas, There has been evidence on increasing violation of this longstanding tradition; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democratic Party ask each Democratic Party County Chair and the State Chair of the Democratic Party to remain neutral in all contested primary election races, and not provide active support to any candidate in any contested primary race; this shall include but not be limited to, soliciting or making monetary or in-kind contributions, accepting a position in a primary campaign, sign-waving, letter writing, appearing in campaign ads, etc.; and be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democratic Party ask a Democratic Governor to remain neutral in all contested primary election races, and not provide active support to any candidate in any contested primary race; this shall include but not be limited to, soliciting or making monetary or in kind contributions, accepting a position in a campaign, sign-waving, letter writing, appearing in campaign ads, etc.; and be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democratic Party ask the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, to remain neutral in all contested primary election races, and not provide active support to any candidate in any contested primary race; this shall include but not be limited to, making monetary or in kind contributions, soliciting money or in kind contributions, accepting a position in a campaign, sign-waving, letter writing, appearing in campaign ads, etc.; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Hawai‘i Democratic Party, the Governor, the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the members of the Hawai‘i Senate and Hawai‘i House of Representatives, and candidates for every elective office whose jurisdiction includes the City and County of Honolulu, and the appropriate state pre convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, Exercising the right to vote is crucial to membership in a democratic society and many people with disabilities do not register and vote; and
Whereas, People with disabilities constitute at least 20% of the population over 18 and are a significant portion of Hawai‘i's population; and
Whereas, The disability community is diverse consisting of people with sensory, physical and cognitive challenges; and
Whereas, Many of these individuals, especially those in institutions or group homes, do not exercise their right to vote in both the primary and general election; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats make a concerted effort to register voters with disabilities throughout the state; and be further
Resolved, That voter registration forms be available in alternate formats such as large type and Braille; and be it further
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats make concerted efforts to assist people with disabilities with transportation to a polling place; and be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats insist the Office of Elections make certain that alternate formats for ballots be available at all polling places, including large type, Braille, and private screen readers for Blind individuals; and be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats encourage absentee balloting be also available in these formats postage paid to be available with regular absentee ballots; and be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats collect data on how many individuals with disabilities were assisted by the Party by which method and produce organized data for researchers to utilize; and be it further
Resolved, That research conclusions based on this data be included in a monograph, which will serve the Party in future elections and serve as a model for disability outreach in primary and general elections; and may it be further
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Democratic members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the members of the Hawai‘i Congressional delegation, and the appropriate State pre-convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, Beginning in the early 1980s, according to the Census, the college "premium" - the difference in annual earnings of a high school graduate and a college graduate - rose from 50 percent to approximately 80 percent. In 2007, workers with a high school degree made an average of $31,286 compared to $57,181, 82.8 percent more, for those with a bachelor’s degree; and
Whereas; According to Sean Reardon, a professor of education and sociology at Stanford, writing in "The Widening Academic Achievement Gap between the Rich and the Poor: New Evidence and Possible Explanations:" At the same time that family income has become more predictive of children's academic achievement, so have educational attainment and cognitive skills become more predictive of adults' earnings. The combination of these trends creates a feedback mechanism that may decrease intergenerational mobility. As the children of the rich do better in school, and those who do better in school are more likely to become rich, we risk producing an even more unequal and economically polarized society; and
Whereas; As the value of a college degree has nearly doubled, in terms of future earnings, the percentage of low income college students actually graduating by age 24 has grown by only 2.1 points, from 6.2 percent in 1970 to 8.3 percent in 2009. Among students from families in the highest income quartile, the graduation rate by age 24 has surged by 42.2 percentage points, doubling from 40.2 percent to 82.4 percent over the last four decades; and
Whereas; the value of Pell Grants - the basic form of federal scholarship aid to poor students - has steadily declined as tuition costs have grown at a much faster rate than inflation. In 1979-80, the maximum Pell Grant covered 99 percent of the cost of a community college, 77 percent at a public four-year college and 36 percent at a private four-year college. By 2010-11, these percentages had dropped to 62, 36 and 15 percent respectively, according to "Education Week"; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats urge Congress in general and our congressional representatives in particular to support an increase in Pell grants to cover at least three quarters of the cost of a four year college education, and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Democratic members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the members of the Hawai‘i Congressional delegation, and the appropriate State pre-convention resolutions committee.
*Much of the information and even wording of the above comes from the New York Times, March 12, 2012, "The Reproduction of Privilege" By Thomas B. Edsall
Whereas, The Citizens United decision has opened the floodgates to the corrupting influence of money in elections; and
Whereas, Corporations are entities created by law, not individual citizens entitled to rights; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats stand with the Move To Amend campaign and communities across the country to defend democracy from the corrupting effects of undue corporate power by amending the United States Constitution to establish that 1) only human beings, not corporations are endowed with constitutional rights, and 2) Money is not speech and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Democratic members of the Hawai‘i State Legislature, the members of the Hawai‘i Congressional delegation, and the appropriate State pre-convention resolutions committee.
Whereas, Housing in Hawai‘i is among the most expensive in the United States and infrastructure costs for roads, electricity, water, and sewage are often too high for developers and landowners to build in rural areas, and
Whereas, Water catchment and solar power can be built into modular homes, thus allowing home construction in rural areas that have little infrastructure; and
Whereas, The use of steel framing in modular homes prevents problems with subterranean termites and also makes these homes resistant to hurricanes and earthquake damage; and
Whereas, Homes that are built with factory construction can be moved, thus making them ideal for people who live on leasehold land; and
Whereas, By setting aside rural and land banked area, modular homes can be moved to safe areas if the property is in danger of a lava flow, hurricane, or flood, which would enable financial institutions and insurance companies to approve mortgages and insurance on homes that are in lava, hurricane, or flood inundation areas; and
Whereas, In 2002, a steel-framed housing factory on Oahu manufactured homes at $60 per square foot, or $120 to $180 per square foot for site built housing, demonstrating that a factory manufactured home can have a cost savings of over 50% through the use of local materials and local labor; now therefore be it further
Resolved, That the O‘ahu County Democrats amend Resolution 2008-17 to add the following: be it
Resolved, That O‘ahu County Democrats support building modular and factory manufactured homes in Hawai‘i, not including trailer homes; and finally be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor and the Mayors of the respective counties of the State of Hawai‘i.
OC 2012-02 Support for Patient Choice and Quality of Life [RESCINDED by OC 2016-8]
OC 2012-03 Support of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) Education
OC 2012-04 Environmental Review of Public and Private Development Projects
OC 2012-05 Support for Expansion of 'The Bus'
OC 2012-06 Support for Control of Money in Politics
OC 2012-07 Mitigation of Hoofed Animals Damage to Farms, Gardens, and Native Forest, Rescinding and Replacing OC 2011-07
OC 2012-08 Establish an Objective Evaluation of Sustainable Energy to Prioritize the Alternative Energy Systems and Technologies that Will Most Benefit All of the Citizens of O‘ahu and the State of Hawai‘i
OC 2012-09 Request an Independent Study of Publicly Owned versus Privately Owned Utility Comparing use and cost of Renewable Energy with Smart Grid Distribution
OC 2012-10 Improve Workers' Compensation in the State of Hawai‘i independent Medical Examination, Rescinding and Replacing OC Resolution 2010-5
OC 2012-11 Consider the Benefits of a Return to a Multi-member District System
OC 2012-12 Support for Education Through Access To Local Library Services In Underserved Areas Of The State, Rescinding and Replacing OC 2010-06
OC 2012-13 Require Neutrality From State and County Party Chairs at All Levels, the Governor, and the Congressional Delegation
OC 2012-14 Encourage People with Disabilities to Register and Vote
OC 2012-15 Support for Pell Grants
OC 2012-16 Supporting the 'Move to Amend' Campaign
OC 2012-17 Support for the Building Of Modular And Factory Manufactured Homes In Hawai‘i, Amending Resolution 2008-17