2015 Convention of the O‘ahu County Democrats
May 2, 2015
Moanalua High School Cafeteria
Resolution Title: 15-01 Public Disclosure Of Commercial Pesticide Use
Schedules And Community Master Plan Buffer Zones15-02 Calling on the U.S. Congress to Amend the United States Constitution
to Enable Citizens' Voices to be Heard without Undue Influence
of Powerful Economic Forces15-03 Calling For An Assessment By The City And County Of Honolulu
On The Impact Of Development And Population Growth On Our
ʻAina, Kai, And Infrastructure and the Board of Education15-04 Protecting Public Employees While Advocating for Inclusive Non-
Discrimination Policies
OC 2015-01 Public Disclosure Of Commercial Pesticide Use Schedules And Community Master Plan Buffer Zones
Whereas, Numbers of large-scale, outdoor commercial agricultural operations in Hawaiʻi have been rapidly growing; and
Whereas, Unlike the majority of Hawaiʻi's farmers, these operations regularly apply high volumes of restricted use pesticides into the environment; and
Whereas, Information regarding the intensive use of pesticides in large-scale commercial agriculture within the State is not readily available to the public; and
Whereas, The public is unable to evaluate the full extent of any impacts affecting to Hawaiʻi's environment or its residents and to decide whether the risks associated with the large-scale use of pesticides is acceptable; and
Whereas, Public disclosure requirements are inadequate for outdoor applications of pesticides in proximity to schools and childcare facilities, by certain commercial agricultural entities; and
Whereas, Pesticide buffer zones are needed in community master planning to identify locations of large commercial use farms near sensitive community areas; and
Whereas, Identification of commercial research and production of any seed, crop, plant, timber, large and small livestock, fish, bees and apiary products should be publicly disclosed and now; therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Oʻahu County Democratics of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi support the disclosure and public posting of any outdoor pesticide application by large commercial agricultural users to residents of sensitive areas and also support the identification utilizing buffer zones through community master plans; and be it
Resolved, That the Oʻahu County Democratics of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi urge notification to occupants and residents of sensitive areas be conducted within a minimum of twenty-four hours prior to the outdoor application of any pesticide; and be it
Resolved, That the Oʻahu County Democratics of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi urge any commercial agricultural entity shall provide written notification to any sensitive area and any property owner, lessee, or person otherwise occupying any residential property within designated buffer zones identified through updated community master plans; and be it
Ordered, That copies of this resolution be sent to all Hawaiʻi State Legislators of the island of Oʻahu, Governor of the State of Hawaiʻi, State Department of Agriculture, State Board of Agriculture, State Department of Health, State Board of Health, State Department of Human Services, Mayor of Honolulu, the City and County of Honolulu Council, and all other relevant government and non-government organizations as determined by the Oʻahu County Chair.
Whereas, the Supreme Court of the United States, in Citizens United v. Federal Election
Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010) (Citizens United) removed restrictions on amounts of
independent political spending; and
Whereas, The platform of the Oʻahu County Democrats supports limitations on political,
campaign or issue related donations by organizations, corporations, and individuals and, further,
that supports the belief that money does not equal “free speech”; therefore be it
Resolved, That Oʻahu County Democrats of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi call upon Hawaiʻi's Congressional
Representatives to introduce a bill that directs the U.S. Congress to amend the U.S.
Constitution to overturn the Citizens United decision; and be it
Ordered, That this resolution be transmitted to the President of the Senate; the Speaker of the
House of Representatives; Hawaiʻi’s four Congressional Representatives; the Governor of the
State of Hawaiʻi; the Mayors of all counties; and the other 49 state legislatures.
OC 2015-02 Calling on the U.S. Congress to Amend the United States Constitution to Enable Citizens' Voices to be Heard without Undue Influence of Powerful Economic Forces